ICG Organizes NMSAR Board Meeting & 11th SAREX Inaugarated by Defence Secretary

The NMSAR Board, founded in 2002, meets annually to address policy matters, refine operational procedures, and review the National Search and Rescue Plan. This year’s meeting spotlighted ongoing efforts to boost India’s maritime safety framework, focusing on enhanced coordination among agencies and the integration of advanced technology in SAR operations.

Jayant Sehgal
  • Nov 28 2024 8:45PM

The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) called the 22nd National Maritime Search and Rescue (NMSAR) Board meeting in Kochi, Kerala, today. The occasion also marked the start of the 11th National Maritime Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREX-24), set to take place off the Kochi coast on November 29, 2024.

Defence Secretary Rajesh Kumar Singh inaugurated the high-profile gathering, which saw participation from foreign representatives, government officials, and representatives from various maritime and safety organizations. Applauding the ICG’s critical role in safeguarding the Indian Search & Rescue Region (ISRR), the Defence Secretary praised their commitment to aiding the fishing community and pledged continued government support to bolster their operations.

The meeting was chaired by Director General Paramesh Sivamani, Chairperson of the NMSAR Board, who highlighted the joint responsibility of stakeholders to ensure maritime safety and the importance of robust search and rescue (SAR) mechanisms in India’s maritime framework.

As part of the event, the National SAR Awards for 2023-24 were presented to honor outstanding contributions to maritime safety and SAR measures. The winners included:

  • Merchant Vessel Category: MV Singapore Bulker (Panama-flagged vessel)  
  • Fishing Boat Category: Indian fishing boats Paramita 5, Geeta, and Bahubali  
  • Government-Owned SAR Unit Category: ICG Air Squadron 835 Sqn (CG)  
  • Ashore Unit Category: Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)

The NMSAR Board meeting brought together a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including the Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, ISRO, Directorate General of Shipping, INCOIS, Airports Authority of India, and several state and central agencies. Interactive sessions and presentations stimulated discussions on enhancing collaboration and coordination to enhance SAR operations in Indian waters.

The NMSAR Board, founded in 2002, meets annually to address policy matters, refine operational procedures, and review the National Search and Rescue Plan. This year’s meeting spotlighted ongoing efforts to boost India’s maritime safety framework, focusing on enhanced coordination among agencies and the integration of advanced technology in SAR operations.

The occasion reaffirmed the devotion of all participants to ensuring safe and secure maritime operations in the Indian Ocean region, setting the stage for the practical demonstrations of SAREX-24 scheduled for the following day. (PR) 


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